Saturday, August 18, 2012

What is Wing Chun Kung Fu?
Wing Chun Kung Fu has existed for approximately 300 to 400 years. Stemming from Southern China it spread to Hong Kong during the last century, and asserted itself as being the most efficient fighting style. Grandmaster Yip Man was responsible for the emergence of Wing Chun in Hong Kong. He is famous not only for his fighting skills, but also as the teacher of many renowned fighters. He taught Bruce Lee, Wong Shun Leung and William Cheung among other

Wing Chun has many features which make it practical and reliable in physical combat. Wing Chun is extremely economical and compact. There are no excessive or flamboyant movements. Essentially Wing Chun is simple, effective and direct. Wing Chun is designed for use at close quarters, which is the fighting range most commonly encountered in reality. Attack and defence are simultaneous and use is always made of the shortest distance between one and one’s opponent.

Wing Chun is not dependant on flexibility, size, weight or strength. The original founder of Wing Chun was a woman and the best practitioners are often only slight in build. In Wing Chun strikes are delivered in a relaxed manner. The power of these strikes is generated from technique, using the strength inherently found in ones joints and skeletal structure.

Rather than being premeditated the use of techniques is determined by reflex and opportunity. This is a factor which makes Wing Chun seem so fast – one does not ‘think’ about what one is doing, movements are made upon feeling what the situation dictates one should do. Essentially they are automatic. These reflexes are developed through a unique training method called ‘Chi-sao’.

~All Rights [KiK BoYz*] WING CHUN KUNG FU Reserved~

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Bruce Lee's JKD, the "Original Mixed Martial Art" ?

Although the Gracie family of Brazil successfully transplanted BJJ and Vale Tudo to the world via the UFC 
many in the greater martial arts community also credit Bruce Lee’s philosophy of “not being bound" by any 
particular style of martial art, as the seed of today’s Mixed Martial Arts Movement. MMA Superstars, Frank 
Shamrock and Randy Couture consider Bruce as the "Father" of MMA and Dana White (President of the UFC) 
as crowned Bruce Lee as the inspiration and original martial artist in mainstream America, who trained like an
MMA fighter and taught the teachings of MMA, way before the UFC was even thought of.

Bruce Lee

In 1959 an 18 year old Bruce Lee moved from Hong Kong to the U.S. and eventually attended the University
of Seattle, where he majored in philosophy. There he began the journey of creating his own personal martial art.
Around 1967 he named his method Jeet Kune Do (JKD) or “way of the intercepting fist". In 1970 he returned to
Hong Kong to make movies and unexpectedly passed away in 1973. Posthumously Lee became a superstar
worldwide, revolutionized the world of modern martial arts and continues to inspire martial artists today.

Research and Development

While in Hong Kong Lee studied “Wing Chun", a style of Chinese Gung Fu. According to many, early on Lee’s
goal was to be the best wing chun man around. However, Lee was already researching different styles of MA and
was highly influenced by other Chinese Styles, Western Boxing and Western Fencing. When Lee moved to the
U.S. he also began to research Judo, Jiu Jitsu and Wrestling. Lee’s research entailed both book/film research as
well as hands on experience. This “hands on" experience was usually accomplished through exchanging his
knowledge of Gung Fu with practitioners of a different styles willing to compare notes and experiment outside
of their system.


Bruce Lee felt that a real fight was unpredictable and that most classical styles emphasized “dead patterns"
instead of live and spontaneous training. Lee believed that combative sports such as boxing and judo were
practiced more realistically than most classical systems. Why? They made real impact and they practiced live
training and not dead patterns. Lee also came to the conclusion the MA was Universal and that “unless there is
a being with more than two arms and two legs, that there is only one style of fighting, the human style." So,
Lee conceptualized martial art as a whole and embarked upon a scientific course. Not one that blended styles
but one that was born of the idea of non-style, geometry and physics. One as he described as “simple, direct
and non-classical" (functional). In a sense Lee’s JKD is a martial art with no rules that is practiced like a
combative sport with real impact (full contact) and live training. This approach was very revolutionary during
the time of its creation and is still quite rare in contrast to the many classical martial arts schools of today.


At the same time that Lee was creating his martial art he was also very much into philosophy. One source of
philosophy was Zen Buddhism. One of the primary tenants of Buddhism is detachment or more clearly,
non-attachment. The tenant of non-attachment can be a paradox for most. However for Bruce Lee it may have
been the perfect vehicle of understanding (enlightenment) that he needed to create his Jeet Kune Do.
While non-attachment is a mental state, non-engagement is its physical counterpart. In the sense of fighting
attachment or engagement imputes struggle. So with non-engagement through the use of physical science,
our goal is non-struggle or to fight with the least amount of struggle. Actually this theory is nothing new and
can be found in styles such as aikido, tai chi and jiu jitsu/judo.


JKD however is the way of the intercepting fist and seeks to end the fight as quickly as possible through striking.
In JKD engagement is any touch reference other than the strike itself. So ours is a very aggressive form of
non-engagement which is a paradox to most but the "true vehicle" of understanding and expressing JKD.
JKD primarily emphasizes stepping and evading to strike (without prior touch) and secondarily deflecting,
trapping and grappling to strike (with prior touch). For decades following Bruce Lee’s death JKD was promoted
as the concept of cross training and doing your own thing. This view of JKD gave birth to the creation of many
“freestyles" and “hybrids" throughout the world. Not a bad thing but not JKD. Bruce Lee clearly researched the
totality of martial art, which includes striking and grappling both standing up and on the ground. But because
Lee found that the “height of cultivation lead to simplicity" and that non-engagement is the height of that simplicity,
JKD is a scientific vehicle of expressing simplicity in the chaos of fighting. Lee was also an actor and had the ability
to use the screen to get some of his ideas across, like in the opening scene of “Enter the Dragon", with Samo Hung,
Lee clearly illustrates his interest in the idea of the “complete fighter". (kicking, punching, take downs and
submissions) But what does complete mean? And complete at what cost? These are important questions for
each individual martial artist seeking totality.

Mixed Martial Arts

The distinction between fighting and any combative sport is that it has rules and a real fight does not.
However in a civilized world, a fighter with morals needs a place to play - seriously.
Mixed Martial Arts is the perfect arena for such serious play.
Is MMA the evolution of combative sports that Lee envisioned through his martial art so many years ago?
“Partially so". Lee directly and indirectly, during and after his life affected so many martial artists.

Has MMA evolved to Lee’s simple and pragmatic approach?
As MMA has evolved as a sport so has its strategy and it’s players.
In the beginning, in events such as the UFC,
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Players and Wrestlers dominated the arena against classical strikers who never trained to
(en) counter grappling.
Today’s MMA athletes are mostly “well rounded" fighters in the realms of striking and grappling both
standing up and on the ground. However the majority of athletes do not struggle as much as their founding
fathers did. Controlling distance to strike and avoid take downs, seeking dominant position to strike and
getting up off the ground quickly have become the strategy of the new fighters. Why is this true? Because
“the height of cultivation leads to simplicity". Why struggle when you don’t have to?

At first Maurice Smith led the way to strikers being recognized in the MMA arena. Then more and more
fighters “blossomed" as well rounded fighters, like Frank Shamrock, Kazushi Sakuraba, Vitor Belford and
todays champions, like Anderson Silva and Georges St. Pierre. Real impact and live training are the
hallmarks of JKD and may be applied in the arenas of Self Defense as well as Combative Sports.
Competition is a great arena to test yourself and is much safer than the street. And as you win and
lose remember that you are your own best friend as well as your own worst enemy and that your most
apparent strength is also your most apparent weakness. These are the tenants of yin/yang that Lee
chose so well to symbolize his martial art both physically and philosophically.

MMA has come a long way and is here to stay. Whether ones “foundation" is striking or grappling,
stand up or ground fighting, the plain and simple truth is that you need to be exposed to all possibilities.
How you deal with them will be based upon the foundation you choose and a working knowledge of the rest.

~Mark Stewart~

~All Rights Have Reserved By The Upper Person! Copyrighting Is Strictly Prohibited!~

~All Rights [KiK BoYz*] WING CHUN KUNG FU Reserved~

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

**මධ්‍ය රේඛා නියාය.** **Center Line Theory**

මිනිස් ශරීරය යනු සමපාතික අංඟ සම වස්තුවකි. 
මිනිස් ශරීරය හරි මැදින් බෙදුවහොත් සමාන කොටස් 2 කට බෙදෙන අතර
එහි හරි මැදින් බෙදෙන ස්ථානය සරලව කිවහොත් මධ්‍ය රේඛාව ලෙස සැලකෙයි.
ශරීරයේ ලම්බ සමඡ්ඡේදකය ලෙස ඇත්තේද මෙම රෙඛාවයි.

Wing Chun වල හා Jeet Kune Do වල මෙම මධ්‍ය රේඛා නියාය ප්‍රධාන වශයෙන් සැලකෙයි.
Wing Chun යනු කෙටි පරාසයක් තුල ප්‍රථිවාදියා සමග සටන් වදින ශෛලියකි.
Jeet Kune Do යනු දිග පරාසයක් තුල ප්‍රථිවාදියා සමග සටන් වදින ශෛලියකි.
ශරීරයේ පවතින දුර්වල සහ හානිදායකම ස්ථාන පිහිටා ඇත්තේ මෙම මධ්‍ය රේඛාව තුලය.
සටනෙදි අප මධ්‍ය රේඛාව ආරක්‍ෂාකරගනිමින් සතුරගේ මධ්‍ය රේඛාව තුලට පහරදීම Wing Chun හි ඇති ලක්‍ෂණයයි.
නමුත් Jeet Kune Do වලදී මධ්‍ය රේඛාව ආරක්‍ෂාකරගනිමින්,
මග හරිමින්, සතුරගේ මධ්‍ය රේඛාව තුලට පහරදීම මෙහි ඇති ලක්‍ෂණයයි.

Wing Chun වල මෙම මධ්‍ය රේඛාව ආරක්‍ෂාකරගැනීමට
Siu Lim Tao (Little Idia) වැනි පාරම්පරික භාවනා ක්‍රම ඇතුලත් වේ.
මෙම මධ්‍ය රේඛාව ඉදිරිපසට පමණක් අවේණික නොවන අතර පිටුපස ශරීරයටද බලපානු ඇත.
මන්ද මිනිස් සිරුරේ ඇති දරුණුතම නිල ස්ථාන පිහිට ඇත්තේ ඉදිරිපස සිරුරේ නොව පිටුපස සිරුරේ බැවිනි.

මධ්‍ය රේඛාවේ ඇති නිල ස්ථාන.

3වෙනි ඇස- 3rd Eye
උගුරු දණ්ඩ- Throat
ළැමැද- Middle Dantian
බල ගබඩාව- Solar Flexces
වෘෂණ කෝෂ- Testis

මෙහි බල ගබඩාව- Solar Flexces නම් මිනිස් සිරුරේ ඇති දරුණුතම නිල ස්ථානය හා ක්‍රියාත්මක නොවුණු නිල ස්ථානයයි.
මෙය ශක්තිමත් කිරීමට බුදුදහමේ ආනපාන සති බවනාව ප්‍රමාණවත් වේ.
(මෙය ආරම්භ කිරීමට බල ගබඩාව- Solar Flexces නම් ස්ථානයට සිත යොමුකළ යුතු වේ.)

~All Rights [KiK BoYz*] WING CHUN KUNG FU Reserved~

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wing Chun වලට "Gee Seen" නමැති මහාචාර්යයවරයාගේ ඇති සම්බන්ද කම

*යුධ සටන් කලා මහාචාර්යයවරුන් පස් දෙනෙකුගේ ප්‍රධානත්වයෙන් සැදෙන්නට ගොසින් ගැහැණියෙක් ගෙන් 
නිම වුණු Wing Chun*

*The Founder Of Wing Chun Kung Fu Mistress Ng Mui*

මගේ කතාව මම මෙතන සිට පවසන්නම්.
වර්ෂ (1644-1912) 
ශාඕලින් ආරාමයට එල්ල වූ දරුණු ප්‍රහාරය හමුවේ පුහුණු අඩාල වූ අතර
මහාචාර්යයවරු පස් දෙනා සිය දිවි බේරාගැනීමට පස් ප්‍රදේශයකට පලා ගියෝය.

මෙයින් අවසානයේදී
දිවි බේරාගත් අය වුයේ Ng Mui, Bak Mei පමණි.
ඒකෙනුත් තුන්
දෙනෙක්ට වෙච්ච දෙයක් ගැන චීන සටන් කලා ඉතිහාසයේ සදහන් වෙන්නේ නෑ.
ඒ පස්දෙනා,එනම් [Fong Do Duk, Ng Mui, Bak Mei, Gee Seen, Maio Hin]
නමුත් මෙම Lineage Tree එකේ මම High Light කරලා තියෙන තැන බලන්න.
දිවි බෙර ගන්නේ 2 පමණි. එනම් Ng Mui, Bak Mei පමණි.
නමුත් මෙහි එන Gee Seen විසින් Leung Yee Tye වෙත දෙන දැනුම කුමක් ද?
Gee Seen ගැන කිසිම සටහනක් චීන සටන් කලා ඉතිහාසයේ සදහන් වෙන්නේ නෑ.
මම කරපු එක් ගවේෂණයකින් මට හැගුනේ Gee Seen ඇවිත් නැවියෙකි ඔහු විසින්
(Long Pole-Luk Dim Boon) and (Bai Chum Dao- Butterfly Knives) යන
ආයුධ එක් කර ඇති බවයි. නමුත් මෙය මටද 100% විශ්වාස නැත.
මුල්ම කාලයේ ආයුධ තිබ්බේ නෑ.
නමුත් චීන සටන් කලා ඉතිහාසයේ මෙලෙසද සදහන් වේ.
Bak Mei යනු දිවි බේරාගත් එක් මහාචාර්යයවරයෙකි ඔහු Bak Mei Kung Fu හි පියාය.
Bak Mei Kung Fu වලින් Long Pole ද, Nang Chun Kung Fu වලින් Butterfly Knives යන ආයුධ එක් කරයි.

**Bak Mei Kung Fu ගැන ළගදීම කියන්නම්**

~All Rights [KiK BoYz*] WING CHUN KUNG FU Reserved~

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Yin and Yang In Medical Theory

from Patricia Ebrey, Chinese Civilization : A Sourcebook, 2d ed. (New York: Free Press, 1993), pp. 77-79

[Ebrey Introduction] The concepts of Yin and Yang and the Five Agents provided the intellectual framework of much of Chinese scientific thinking especially in fields like biology and medicine The organs of the body were seen to be interrelated in the same sorts of ways as other natural phenomena, and best understood by looking for correlations and correspondences. Illness was seen as a disturbance in the balance of Yin and Yang or the Five Agents caused by emotions, heat or cold, or other influences. Therapy thus depended on accurate diagnosis of the source of the imbalance.

The earliest surviving medical texts are fragments of manuscript from early Han tombs. Besides general theory, these texts cover drugs, gymnastics, minor surgery, and magic spells. The text which was to become the main source of medical theory also apparently dates from the Han. It is the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Medicine, supposed to have been written during the third millennium BCE by the mythical Yellow Emperor. A small portion of it is given below.

The Yellow Emperor said ''The principle of Yin and Yang is the foundation of the entire universe. It underlies everything in creation. It brings about the development of parenthood; it is the root and source of life and death it is found with the temples of the gods In order to treat and cure diseases one must search for their origins.
"Heaven was created by the concentration of Yang, the force of light, earth was created by the concentration of Yin, the forces of darkness. Yang stands for peace and serenity; Yin stands for confusion and turmoil. Yang stands for destruction; Yin stands for conservation. Yang brings about disintegration; Yin gives shape to things....

The pure and lucid element of light is manifested in the upper artifices and the turbid element of darkness is manifested in the lower orifices. Yang, the element of light, originates in the pores. Yin, the element of darkness, moves within the five viscera. Yang the lucid force of light truly is represented by the four extremities- and Yin the

turbid force of darkness stores the power of the six treasures of nature. Water is an embodiment of Yin as fire is an embodiment of Yang. Yang creates the air, while Yin creates the senses, which belong to the physical body When the physical body dies, the spirit is restored to the air, its natural environment. The spirit receives its nourishment through the air, and the body receives its nourishment through the senses

"If Yang is overly powerful, then Yin may be too weak. If Yin is particularly strong, then Yang is apt to be defective If the male force is overwhelming, then there will be excessive heat. If the female force is overwhelming, then there will be excessive cold. Exposure to repeated and severe heat will induce chills. Cold injures the body while heat injures the spirit When the spirit is hurt, severe pain will ensue. When the body is hurt, there will be swelling. Thus, when severe pain occurs first and swelling comes on later, one may infer that a disharmony in the spirit has done harm to the body. Likewise, when swelling appears first and severe pain is felt later on, one can say that a dysfunction in the body has injured the spirit....

"Nature has four seasons and five elements. To grant long life, these seasons and elements must store up the power of creation in cold, heat, dryness, moisture, and wind. Man has five viscera in which these five climates are transformed into joy, anger, sympathy, grief. and fear. The emotions of joy and anger are injurious to the spirit just as cold and heat are injurious to the body. Violent anger depletes Yin; violent joy depletes Yang. When rebellious emotions rise to Heaven the pulse expires and leaves the body When joy and anger are without moderation, then cold and heat exceed all measure, and life is no longer secure. Yin and Yang should be respected to an equal extent.

The Yellow Emperor asked, "Is there any alternative to the law of Yin and Yang?"

Qi Bo answered: "When Yang is the stronger, the body is hot, the pores are closed, and people begin to pant; they become boisterous and coarse and do not perspire. They become feverish, their mouths are dry and sore, their stomachs feel tight, and they die of constipation. When Yang is the stronger, people can endure winter but not summer. When Yin is the stronger, the body is cold and covered with perspiration. People realize they are ill; they tremble and feel chilly. When they feel chilled, their spirits become rebellious. Their stomachs can no long digest food and they die. When Yin is stronger, people can endure summer but not winter. Thus Yin and Yang alternate. Their ebbs and surges vary, and so does the character of the diseases."

The Yellow Emperor asked, "Can anything be done to harmonize and adjust these two principles of nature?" Qi Bo answered: "If one has the ability to know the seven injuries and the eight advantages, one can bring the two principles into harmony. If one does not know how to use this knowledge, his life will be doomed to early decay. By the age of forty the Yin force in the body has been reduced to one-half of its natural vigor and an individual's youthful prowess has deteriorated. By the age of fifty the body has grown heavy. The ears no longer hear well. The eyes no longer see clearly By the age of sixty the life producing power of Yin has declined to a very low level. Impotence sets in The nine orifices no longer benefit each other....

Those who seek wisdom beyond the natural limits will retain good hearing and clear vision. Their bodies will remain light and strong. Although they grow old in years, they will stay able-bodied and vigorous and be capable of governing to great advantage. For this reason the ancient sages did not rush into the affairs of the world. In their pleasures and joys they were dignified and tranquil. They did what they thought best and did not bend their will or ambition to the achievement of empty ends Thus their allotted span of life was without limit, like that of Heaven and earth. This is the way the ancient sages controlled and conducted themselves.

"By observing myself I learn about others, and their diseases become apparent to me. By observing the external symptoms, I gather knowledge about the internal diseases One should watch for things out of the ordinary One should observe minute and trifling things and treat them as if the were big and important. When they are treated the danger they pose will be dissipated. Experts in examining patients judge their general appearance; they feel their pulse and determine whether it is Yin or Yang that causes the disease.... To determine whether Yin or Yang predominates, one must be able to distinguish a light pulse of low tension from a hard. pounding one With a disease of Yang, Yin predominates With a disease of Yin, Yang predominates When one is filled with vigor and strength, Yin and Yang are in proper harmony.

~All Rights [KiK BoYz*] WING CHUN KUNG FU Reserved~

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The meaning of Yin-Yang

This Simbol(Yin-Yang) represents the ancient Chinese understanding of how things work. The outer circle represents "everything", while the black and white shapes within the circle represent the interaction of two energies, called "yin" (black) and "yang" (white), which cause everything to happen. They are not completely black or white, just as things in life are not completely black or white, and they cannot exist without each other.
While "yin" would be dark, passive, downward, cold, contracting, and weak, "yang" would be bright, active, upward, hot, expanding, and strong. The shape of the yin and yang sections of the symbol, actually gives you a sense of the continual movement of these two energies, yin to yang and yang to yin, causing everything to happen: just as things expand and contract, and temperature changes from hot to cold.

~All Rights [KiK BoYz*] WING CHUN KUNG FU Reserved~

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Soviet Sambo

Sambo (Russian: самбо; САМооборона Без Оружия) is a Russian martial art and combat sport. 
The word "SAMBO" is an acronym for SAMooborona Bez Oruzhiya, which literally translates as 
"self-defense without weapons". Sambo is relatively modern since its development began in the 
early 1920s by the Soviet Red Army to improve their hand to hand combat abilities. 
Intended to be a merger of the most effective techniques of other martial arts, Sambo 
has roots in Japanese judo plus traditional folk styles of wrestling such as: Armenian Kokh,
Georgian Chidaoba, Moldavian Trîntǎ, Tatar Köräş, Uzbek Kurash, Mongolian Khapsagay and
Azerbaijani Gulesh.
The pioneers of Sambo were Viktor Spiridonov and Vasili Oshchepkov. Oshchepkov died in
prison as a result of the political purges of 1937 after accusations of being a Japanese spy.
Oshchepkov spent much of his life living in Japan and training judo under its founder Kano Jigoro.
The two men independently developed two different styles, which eventually cross-pollinated and
became what is known as Sambo. Compared to Oshchepkov's judo based system, then called
"Freestyle Wrestling", Spiridonov's style was softer and less strength dependent. This was in
large part due to Spiridonov's injuries sustained during World War I.
Anatoly Kharlampiev, a student of Vasili Oshchepkov, is often officially considered the founder
of Sport Sambo. In 1938, it was recognized as an official sport by the USSR All-Union Sports Committee.

There are three FIAS recognized competitive sport variations of Sambo
(though Sambo techniques and principles can be applied to many other combat sports).
Sport Sambo (Russian: Борьбa Самбо,Bor'ba Sambo, Sambo Wrestling (eng))
is stylistically similar to Olympic Freestyle Wrestling or Judo, but with some
differences in rules, protocol, and uniform. For example, in contrast with judo,
Sambo allows some types of leg locks, while not allowing chokeholds. It focuses
on throwing, ground work and submissions, with (compared to Judo) very few
restrictions on gripping and holds.
Combat Sambo (Russian: Боевое Самбо, Boyevoye Sambo). Utilized and
developed for the military, Combat Sambo resembles modern mixed martial arts,
including extensive forms of striking and grappling where (unlike Sport Sambo)
choking and bent joint locks are legal. Competitors wear jackets as in sport sambo,
but also hand protection and sometimes shin and head protection. The first FIAS World
Combat Sambo Championships were held in 2001.
Freestyle Sambo – uniquely American set of competitive Sambo rules created by the American Sambo
Association (ASA) in 2004. These rules differ from traditional Sport Sambo in that they allow choke
holds and other submissions from Combat Sambo that are not permitted in Sport Sambo as well as
certain neck cranks and twisting leg locks. Freestyle Sambo, like all Sambo, focuses on throwing
skills and fast ground work. No strikes are permitted in Freestyle Sambo. The ASA created this rule set in order
to encourage non-Sambo practitioners from judo and jiujitsu to participate in Sambo events.


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