Wednesday, May 2, 2012



Snake style kung fu, all about this types of martial arts style and its possible role in other types of martial arts.

***One Of The Five Shaolin Animals***

Snake style kung fu is one of the five animals of shaolin martial arts. Although there are many styles within the title of "snake", all focus on fluid movement and attacking from angles that would be unexpected.

By imitating the motion of snakes, practitioners are able to use whipping strikes to disable their opponent. Also, this movement helps defend the fighter as it becomes extremely difficult to land a strike against them. This is considered more of a "soft art".

The main points at which the fighter strikes includes the eyes, groin, different joints, and other pressure points.

Most strikes do not include a closed fist, but rather an open hand with the fingers pointed straight out as for more of a poking motion. Kicks are low and usually aimed at the knee, shin, or top of the foot.

Stances are very important as your power comes from your root and the speed at which the moves are performed can throw the practitioner off balance. With that being said, horse stance is not used much at all as in most other styles. This needs a more "mobile" approach.

*** Founder ***
The Taoist temples of the Wudang Mountains. No single founder has been confirmed due to the incomplete documentation.

More about snake style....

This style also uses the circular movement that many of the internal arts take advantage of. This, to me, shows that snake style is a gateway to the internal arts and the more difficult styles to learn and master.

Side-stepping, ducks, and fast hand and foot movement help to defend the practitioner. They do not focus on blocks as this is not an art that likes to exchange blows.

The following clip shows a scene from an older Jackie Chan movie where he is performing a snake form. This video shows the fluid movements that were discussed above, as well as the strikes and the position of the hand and fingers.

Snake Fist Style Training:


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